Family Photo

Family Photo

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween '09

Happy Halloween! Noah dressed up as Cookie Monster (so he thinks... he was actually a three eyed monster). He would walk around saying "cookie" in all kinds of different voices. It was really cute. I am sorry I do not have good pictures from Halloween but Noah would not stand still at all. All of my pictures turned out blurred and these are the only ones I had that you could even make out anything. Plus some pics of the house to show how we decorated. Noah did not go house to house but he stayed out with us and passed candy out to the neighbors until he passed out. He was so tired!

Yes a sucker in one hand and a cookie in the other!

Here he is trying to run away.. The only close up pic I have of him standing.

Can you see him here... haha he has four arms and three eyes .. but he would not wear the head part right now.. He loved the pumpkin bags he would walk up to them look in and say "ooooooh ahhhh"

Mark and I carved pumpkins... Yes that is mold growing inside. We carved them way too early..

The front porch where we sat and passed out Candy to all the neighborhood kids and there were tons!!

This is Finley our neighbor's little girl and Noah's friend. She was a cute fairy!