Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, February 14, 2010

2 More Weeks Till Levi Arrives

My big Ole Belly two weeks before he arrives! If not sooner...
We went to the Dr. last Thursday and I am dilated to a 2.5 and 80% efaced. So we are all packed and on standby incase Levi decides to come early.


This is phase 1 of Levi's room. April, the muralist, came and drew the outlines on Friday and will return on Monday to finish up the mural. There will be clouds, lots of trees/bushes/ drivers and shading still to be added. I will post a final version next week when I get the room all together. I spent last week sewing the window treatments and hanging them..... Almost complete!

Valentines Gift From Grandma and Grandpa!

My grandma and grandpa sent me a gift for Valentines Day!

Do I shake it like this to open it?

or pull on them like this...?

Let me read the sweet card. The card had a voice recording of Grandma and Grandpa wishing me a Happy Valentine' s Day! I read/listen to this card over and over again! I almost forgot to open the rest of the gift..

And I got this Talking Teddy Bear. When you push the foot you can say "I love you" and it will talk back to me. I don't know how to say I love you yet but my mommy would say it and I would giggle when the teddy bear talked back to her. I do know how to push the button over and over again and the bear will say "hello and goodbye"
Sorry Sesame Street was on too so he was slightly distracted... haha

Thursday, February 4, 2010


He found these again and forgot how to play with them...

Do you play with them like this?

Do both of them go in each ear? hahaha this was so funny..

Noah gets Tubes in his Ears.

This is right after he came out from surgery. He did not understand the feeling from the anesthesia so it upset him. He cried and screamed until it wore off.. Then the first words were "cookie," and of course we gave him as many as he wanted..

This was him before surgery... Tired but wanting to touch and pull on everything. Sorry there are not many more pictures but it was only about 30 mins long. He got to wear his pajamas and they just walked him back to the room and then walked him back to us.. so there was not much to take pictures of..

The surgery went really well. They placed tubes in both ears and it should keep him from getting anymore ear infections. We are going back to the Dr. today for a check up and hearing test so I will keep yall posted on the update.

Daddy and Noah Play Ball

The weather has been so nice this month. Noah has really enjoyed playing outside. He asks to go outside all day and gets really upset when we make him come in.

Noah and Daddy play ball in the backyard for hours..

He is learning to kick the ball!


Daddy is silly and making me laugh while Im trying to eat...

APPLE.. Noah's new favorite snack.

Noah and Mark taking pictures together while watching Sesame Street..

Twins... They are so funny. They look so much alike and make so many of the same faces and gestures. Calhoun all the way!!