Family Photo

Family Photo

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary

Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary has been the best so far. Each year Mark and I fall in love more and more. Our family has grown and so does our love. I am so honored to have Mark as my husband and so we celebrated this day by going to dinner at a fancy restaurant in Lakeway on the hilltop. It was called Mizu steakhouse and sushi restaurant. Some pictures are below...

These are my beautiful flowers from my wonderful husband.

After dinner we went back to Vintage Villas where the wedding was held. We sat on the lawn where the guest sat and looked out at the hill country view and lake. We had lots of desserts and a toast of champagne to mark the occassion. It was a beautiful night but a little cold. We cuddled under some blankets and tried to recall events on that special day. We shared laughs and a few kisses then headed home to kiss our kids good night. What a great celebration!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bags and Boxes

Noah loves boxes but this is new...

Where is Noah?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Noah's First Date!

Barney Live!

Noah and his girlfriend Finley went to see Barney. We had great seats and had so much fun. They shared popcorn, snowcones, and kettlecorn. This was Noah's first Live show so he was a little nervous. He watched the show with large eyes but really did not want to sing or dance with them. I think he was a little overwhelmed and at times distracted but he did have a great time.

He smiled... and cried...

Finley... so pretty!
They gave each other flowers

Monday, January 3, 2011

"I Love You"

Last night Noah said those three little words that just made my heart melt. He gave me a hug and said " I love you." Now, yes, I did ask him to say it BUT he never has said it before... However, this morning he came into my room crawled in bed and hugged me.. then he leaned back and looked at me with a big smile on his face and ALL ON HIS OWN he said those words again... " I LOVE YOU" ahhhh.... if he asked for a car I think I would buy him one.. I wish I could get it on tape so you all could hear him.. trust me I will keep trying.